Internet of Things and Firebase
This course presents the Digital Signal Controllers boards and componenets and their application in motor control and in Internet of Things.
Examples are given: Personnal projects and experimental benches.
Download pdf file of the presentation (20 MB)
Université de Tlemcen
Schematic of the IoT board above |
Android App that connect to Firebase database and display IoT board data as well as control them |
Linear synchronous motor showing a DSC dspic 33FJ128MC80, BT, MEMS 3-axis accelerometer, 3-phases power inverter L6234, coils, hall-effect sensors, bearings, fixed part with NdFeB permanent magnets |
Clock and weather based on web acces (NTP protocol) and weather forecast Presented on Mansourah tower |
IMU on the leg for medical assistance |
Very interesting. Keep on!