Internet of Things and Firebase

This course presents the Digital Signal Controllers boards and componenets and their application in motor control and in Internet of Things . Examples are given: Personnal projects and experimental benches. Download pdf file of the presentation (20 MB) Pr Lotfi BAGHLI Université de Tlemcen IoT board with a WEMOS D1 ESP 8266, OLED display, DHT11 temperature and humidy sensor, push button, leds, IMU 6050 to sense acceleration and gyro on the 3-axis. The board sends data to the dedicated Firebase database Schematic of the IoT board above Android App that connect to Firebase database and display IoT board data as well as control them Linear synchronous motor showing a DSC dspic 33FJ128MC80, BT, MEMS 3-axis accelerometer, 3-phases power inverter L6234, coils, hall-effect sensors, bearings, fixed part with NdFeB permanent magnets Clock and weather based on web acces (NTP protocol) and weather forecast Presen...